13 research outputs found

    Review of neural modelling on cardiovascular rehabilitation active processes by using cycloergometers

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    Abstract publicado en EUROSIM 2019 Abstract Volume. ARGESIM Report 58, ISBN: 978-3-901608-92-6 (ebook), DOI: 10.11128/arep.58This work gathers important developments carried out in a specific area of the Biomedical Engineering which applies advanced models based on Artificial Neural Networks to improve Cardiovascular Rehabilitation (CR) processes by using Cycloergometers. This work presents an updated revision of proposals, focusing on different problems involved in CR and considering features and requirements nowadays taken into account during their modelling processes. Furthermore, the signals analysed in these models are studied and presented below. Among them, a review of solutions applied to CR processes, focused on Computational Intelligence are cited.UPV/EHU, Grupo de Investigaci贸n de Inteligencia Computaciona

    Review of neural modelling on cardiovascular rehabilitation active processes by using cycloergometers

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    Abstract publicado en EUROSIM 2019 Abstract Volume. ARGESIM Report 58, ISBN: 978-3-901608-92-6 (ebook), DOI: 10.11128/arep.58This work gathers important developments carried out in a specific area of the Biomedical Engineering which applies advanced models based on Artificial Neural Networks to improve Cardiovascular Rehabilitation (CR) processes by using Cycloergometers. This work presents an updated revision of proposals, focusing on different problems involved in CR and considering features and requirements nowadays taken into account during their modelling processes. Furthermore, the signals analysed in these models are studied and presented below. Among them, a review of solutions applied to CR processes, focused on Computational Intelligence are cited.UPV/EHU, Grupo de Investigaci贸n de Inteligencia Computaciona

    Hydraulic Press Commissioning Cost Reductions via Machine Learning Solutions

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    Abstract publicado en EUROSIM 2019 Abstract Volume. ARGESIM Report 58, ISBN: 978-3-901608-92-6 (ebook), DOI: 10.11128/arep.58In industrial processes, PI controllers remain as the dominant control technique due to their applicability and performance reliability. However, there could be applications where the PI controller is not enough to fulfill certain specifications, such as in the force control loop of hydraulic presses, in which specific pressure profiles need to be ensured in order not to damage theworkpiece. An Iterative Learning Control scheme is presented as a Machine Learning control alternative to the PI controller, in order to track the pressure profiles required for any operational case. Iterative Learning Control is based on the notion that a system that realizes the same process repeatedly, e.g. hydraulic presses, can improve its performance by learning from previous iterations. The improvements are revealed in high-fidelity simulations of a hydraulic press model, in which the tracking performance of the PI controller is considerably improved in terms of overshoot and the settling time of pressure signal.UPV/EHU, Grupo de Investigaci贸n de Inteligencia Computaciona

    Hydraulic Press Commissioning Cost Reductions via Machine Learning Solutions

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    Abstract publicado en EUROSIM 2019 Abstract Volume. ARGESIM Report 58, ISBN: 978-3-901608-92-6 (ebook), DOI: 10.11128/arep.58In industrial processes, PI controllers remain as the dominant control technique due to their applicability and performance reliability. However, there could be applications where the PI controller is not enough to fulfill certain specifications, such as in the force control loop of hydraulic presses, in which specific pressure profiles need to be ensured in order not to damage theworkpiece. An Iterative Learning Control scheme is presented as a Machine Learning control alternative to the PI controller, in order to track the pressure profiles required for any operational case. Iterative Learning Control is based on the notion that a system that realizes the same process repeatedly, e.g. hydraulic presses, can improve its performance by learning from previous iterations. The improvements are revealed in high-fidelity simulations of a hydraulic press model, in which the tracking performance of the PI controller is considerably improved in terms of overshoot and the settling time of pressure signal.UPV/EHU, Grupo de Investigaci贸n de Inteligencia Computaciona

    Uso de redes neuro-borrosas RFNN para la aproximaci贸n del comportamiento de una neuropr贸tesis de antebrazo en pacientes con da帽o cerebral

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    Las neuropr贸tesis son sistemas basados en la t茅cnica de estimulaci贸n el茅ctrica funcional que provocan contracciones musculares mediante la excitaci贸n artificial de nervios perif茅ricos, y son utilizadas para sustituir funciones motrices/sensoriales en aplicaciones tanto asistivas como terap茅uticas. Este trabajo presenta la posibilidad de utilizar redes neuro-borrosas recurrentes para obtener modelos capaces de extraer las caracter铆sticas principales del resultado de la aplicaci贸n de una neuropr贸tesis de miembro superior en distintos pacientes. Se ha entrenado una Recurrent Fuzzy Neural Network (RFNN) con datos reales obtenidos de pacientes cr贸nicos de da帽o cerebral adquirido. Se han analizado distintas estrategias y estructuras y los resultados preliminares muestran la capacidad de estas redes de aprender las caracter铆sticas principales de distintos sujetos y de proporcionar informaci贸n f谩cilmente interpretable

    A Review of Shared Control for Automated Vehicles: Theory and Applications

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    The last decade has shown an increasing interest on advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) based on shared control, where automation is continuously supporting the driver at the control level with an adaptive authority. A first look at the literature offers two main research directions: 1) an ongoing effort to advance the theoretical comprehension of shared control, and 2) a diversity of automotive system applications with an increasing number of works in recent years. Yet, a global synthesis on these efforts is not available. To this end, this article covers the complete field of shared control in automated vehicles with an emphasis on these aspects: 1) concept, 2) categories, 3) algorithms, and 4) status of technology. Articles from the literature are classified in theory- and application-oriented contributions. From these, a clear distinction is found between coupled and uncoupled shared control. Also, model-based and model-free algorithms from these two categories are evaluated separately with a focus on systems using the steering wheel as the control interface. Model-based controllers tested by at least one real driver are tabulated to evaluate the performance of such systems. Results show that the inclusion of a driver model helps to reduce the conflicts at the steering. Also, variables such as driver state, driver effort, and safety indicators have a high impact on the calculation of the authority. Concerning the evaluation, driver-in-the-loop simulators are the most common platforms, with few works performed in real vehicles. Implementation in experimental vehicles is expected in the upcoming years

    XVII Simposio CEA de Control Inteligente: Reuni贸n anual del grupo de Control Inteligente del comit茅 espa帽ol de autom谩tica (CEA). Libro de Actas, Le贸n, 27-29 de junio de 2022

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    Al igual que en las ediciones anteriores, el XVII Simposio CEA de Control Inteligente ha tratado de mantener los objetivos propuestos por el Grupo Tem谩tico de CEA y desarrollar unas jornadas de convivencia en las que se han desarrollado actividades cient铆ficas de investigaci贸n, de formaci贸n de doctores, de relaciones con la industria y, por supuesto, actividades culturales y de relaciones sociales de todos los miembros que formamos esta comunidad cient铆fica. Este a帽o, el lugar elegido para la celebraci贸n del Simposio ha sido la ciudad de Le贸n y le ha correspondido la organizaci贸n del mismo al Grupo de Investigaci贸n SUPPRESS de la Universidad de Le贸n, dirigido por el profesor Manuel Dom铆nguez. Con m谩s de 90 asistentes en algunas de las actividades del Simposio, hemos conseguido batir r茅cords de asistencia y generar un ambiente m谩s que propicio para desarrollar distintas discusiones cient铆ficas de gran calado. Esto demuestra el inter茅s que suscita nuestra disciplina en estos tiempos. Durante los 煤ltimos a帽os el control inteligente est谩 demostrando ser una herramienta esencial para contribuir a solucionar los grandes retos que se nos van a plantear en el futuro. Pero, hasta la fecha no hab铆amos experimentado, tan de primera mano, los efectos derivados del cambio clim谩tico, la falta de recursos energ茅ticos y de materias primas, las pandemias, la falta de recursos h铆dricos, la ciberseguridad o los incendios. Por ello, m谩s que nunca se antoja necesario reflexionar, reforzar nuestros v铆nculos o crear nuevas sinergias para contribuir y poner nuestro valioso conocimiento a disposici贸n de nuestra sociedad. En este sentido nossentimos orgullosos de presentar las contribuciones tan valiosas que recoge este documento. Estas han superado todas nuestras expectativas, lo que da muestras del sentido de responsabilidad que tiene el Grupo Tem谩tico CEA de Control Inteligente con su tiemp

    An Innovative MIMO Iterative Learning Control Approach for the Position Control of a Hydraulic Press

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    To improve the performance of hydraulic press position control and eliminate the need to manually define control signals, this paper proposes a multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) Iterative Learning Control (ILC) algorithm. The MIMO ILC algorithm design is based on the inversion of the known low frequency dynamics of the hydraulic press, whereas the unknown and uncertain high frequency dynamics are discarded due to their low influence in the learning transient. Moreover, for the MIMO ILC convergence condition, a graphical method is proposed, in which the ILC learning filter eigenvalues are analyzed. This method allows studying the stability and convergence rate of the algorithm intuitively. Theoretical analysis and results prove that with the MIMO ILC algorithm the position control is automated and that high precision in the position tracking is gained. A comparison with other model inverse ILC approaches is carried out and it is shown that the proposed MIMO ILC algorithm outperforms the existing algorithms, reducing the number of iterations required to converge while guaranteeing system stability. Furthermore, experimental results in a hydraulic test rig are presented and compared to those obtained with a conventional PI controllerThis work was supported in part by the Department of Development and Infrastructures of the Government of the Basque Country via Industrial Doctorate Program BIKAINTEK under Grant 20-AF-W2-2018-00015

    Iterative Learning Control and Gaussian Process Regression for Hydraulic Cushion Control

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    In this paper, we investigate on extending a feed-forward control scheme for the force control circuit of a hydraulic cushion with Gaussian Process nonlinear regression and Iterative Learning Control. Gaussian Processes allow the possibility of estimating the unknown proportional valve nonlinearities and provide uncertainty measurements of the predictions. However, the system must realize a high precision tracking control which is not achievable if any uncertainty remains in the estimation. Therefore, an extra feed-forward signal based on Iterative Learning Control is used to obtain a precise and fast force reference tracking performance. The design of the Iterative Learning Control is based on an inverted linearized model in which a fourth-order low-pass filter is included to attenuate the unknown valve dynamics. The low-pass filter is split up into two second-order low-pass filters, one of which is applied in the positive, the other in the negative, direction of time, resulting in zero-phase filtering. Simulation results show that Gaussian Process regression allows the possibility of using feed-forward control and that the force tracking performance is improved by introducing Iterative Learning Control.This work has been partially funded by the Department of Development and Infrastructures of the Government of the Basque Country, via Industrial Doctoral Program BIKAINTEK (Official Bulleting of the Basque Country no 67 on 09/04/1